Home Events HORIZON EUROPE Horizon Europe Mission Cancer


Avr 18 2024 - Sep 18 2024


8h00 - 18h00

Horizon Europe Mission Cancer

Issues des réflexions menées durant le programme-cadre précédent Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), les missions occupent une place centrale dans la mise en œuvre des objectifs de la politique de R&I européenne 2021-2027 et au-delà.

Une mission est un portefeuille d’activités de R&I basé sur l’excellence, axé sur l’impact effectif à travers différents secteurs et disciplines, suivant les principes ci-dessous :
• Atteindre dans un délai défini un objectif mesurable qui ne pourrait être autrement atteint via des actions individuelles.
• Avoir un impact sur la société, sur l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques en ayant une forte visibilité.
• Être utile pour une majeure partie de des citoyens de l’Union européenne.

Call 2024 :

Action de Recherche et d’innovation (RIA) :

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-01 : Use cases for the UNCAN.eu research data platform (RIA)
Expected outcomes : operationalise the UNCAN.eu research data platform through a series of use-cases. Develop tools supporting researchers to access, manage and analyse cancer digital data…

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-05: Improving the understanding and management of late-effects in adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer (RIA)
Expected outcomes : Increased awareness and understanding in AYA cancer survivors :
– Ensure accessibility and re-usability of data
– Identification of effective interventions and best practices to support AYA patients and survivors in preventing, reducing,managing late-effects, promoting optimal health outcomes and overcoming disparities between regions;
– Improved quality of life and long-term outcomes for AYA cancer survivors, including improved physical, emotional, and social well-being

Action de soutien et de coordination (CSA) :

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-02: Support dialogue towards the development of national cancer data nodes (CSA)
Expected outcomes :Data resource to improve our understanding of cancer, advance prevention and early detection strategies, facilitate the delivery of personalised care, and better address the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-04: Support a pragmatic clinical trial programme by cancer charities (CSA)
Expected outcomes : Pragmatic clinical trials focus on choosing between care options.
Pragmatic trials evaluate effectiveness, the effect of treatment in routine (real-world) clinical practice.
Examples: Treatment versus active surveillance in patient management, a combination of treatment interventions, determination of optimal dose and dose schedules,comparative effectiveness of different treatment interventions.

Action d’Innovation (IA) :

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-03: Accessible and affordable tests to advance early detection of heritable cancers in European regions (IA)
Expected outcomes : Decisive action on early detection using easy-to-use, specific and sensitive, affordable and accessible genetic multi-omics or other biomarker-based tests to diagnosing and treating cancer with an underlying heritable genetic risk at an earlier, potentially curable stage, and with fewer side-effects

HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-06: An information portal for the European Cancer Patient Digital Centre (IA)
Expected ouctomes : Improving the quality of life of cancer patients, survivors and their families
through the future European Cancer Patient Digital Centre (ECPDC) to facilitate their access to quality
information and data sharing. => to design, develop, deploy and operate a pilot information portal of the ECPDC covering all the spectrum of the cancer patient journey. => Specific AI tools to timely update the information provided and facilitate the user experience.

En savoir plus :

Site horizon europe

L'événement est terminé.

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